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Getting started with Ecolyo Agent

This section will allow you to launch a proper local environment for Ecolyo-Agent


If you are a new developer tasked to work on this project, check the setup your environment.

gitlab Repositories

This project is split between a backend and frontend, each project has its own repository.

Ecolyo-Agent Client repository

Ecolyo-Agent Server repository

Local usage

Ecolyo Agent - Server

Here will be listed all steps to run Ecolyo Agent backend locally for development purposes.

Config folder

If you run the backend for the first time you need to setup some folders.

At the repository root, run mkdir -p mnt mnt/configs

The mnt/configs folder will contain a tokenskey.json file, generated when the server starts for the first time.

With assets imported (see this page for more information) the mnt folder should look like this :

│ tokenskey.json
│ ...all email assets
│ ...all ecogesture images

Launch database

The backend needs a database to store data, to start it, run docker compose up -d

This will serve a mySQL database on port 3306 and a phpMyAdmin instance, accessible on http://localhost:8008 (login / password correspond to DATABASE_USER and DATABASE_PASSWORD variables in the .env file) to browse data more easily.

Initialize fluid prices

The backend contains prices evolution for each fluids. These prices need to be initialized.

To do so, make sure the database container is up and running and run ./scripts/

Launch server


Before launching the application, ensure you've properly filled the .env file according to the template. If needed please refer to a team member. The template contains

  • IMAGE_FOLDER: this variable specify the folder where ecogestures images are located. By default, it should be mnt/image-lib.
  • MOCK_OAUTH2: Set this variable to true while in local, so the OAuth2 dance will be mocked by backend and you will be able to login to your application.
  • USERINFO_URL: Set this variable to configure the user role
    • http://localhost:8090/admininfo to log in with admin role
    • http://localhost:8090/animatorinfo to log in with animator role

Now, you can run the backend with VS Code, check Run and Debug tab and click the Start icon on Launch Backoffice Server.

You can also press the F5 key as a shortcut.

The server is up, you should obtain the following messages in the Debug Console:

--- Server is starting ---
Token signing key set
Mock OAuth2 server Listening on: http://localhost:8090

Hot reload could not be set up to work 100% correctly, but you can click the Restart icon (or press Ctrl+Shift+F5) in VS Code after you made some modifications to restart the server.

Stop backend

In VS Code, press the Stop icon (or press Shift+F5) to stop backend.

Then run docker-compose down to stop database and phpMyAdmin containers

Ecolyo Agent - Client

Launch client

In the frontend repository, you can launch the client with :

yarn local-up
for windows users

Make sure to comment the 'extra_hosts' lines in the docker-compose.local file. Otherwise, you you won't be able to access your machine's localhost from the docker container.

This command will launch the app from the docker-compose.local.yml file, which will launch an Nginx server with a local configuration located in nginx/site.local.conf and start the react app with yarn start

Nginx info

The nginx server redirects https requests from front-end to the backend on port 1443.

It has two configuration files :

  • nginx/site.local.conf, used for local development
  • nginx/, used for production

The nginx server needs local ssl certificates in order to run an interact with backend, these certificates are present in the project.

Once the application is started, you can access it at https://localhost


This app runs in https, such as the backend, to access it go on https://localhost/ Also make sure you have HTTPS env variable set to true. Do not use the app with the port 3000, you won't be able to login.

Stop client

To stop it properly use

yarn local-down